The ratio of survivors to the entire population in both concentration camps and Gaza is so different as laughable. They describe the military opeartion against Hamas deep within crowded urban settings as similar to the executions in the death camps. Arab riots against Jews are transformed into a Invasion of Jews in the post Holocaust years.A recurrent tactic is to minimize the Holocaust of 6 million Jews by proclaiming the very same Jews are enacting a Holocaust against the Palestinian people. Gaza suddenly becomes a concentration camp when it has no similarities in suffering or size or environment with Auschwitz, Dachau or others. Varieties of Jew haters from the left and right react with such enthusiasm and glee in this.The list continues so you see there is a strategy here. It works so well with Nazis labels pasted on Israel despite the obvious inaccuracies. You see this when white supremacists call Jews, Jewish supremacists.
#Ipuwer papyrus jacobovici how to
You are so familar with the subject you knoe how to falsely glue these negative attributes on to an innocent party. On the to something you want to denigrate. You take a negative characteristic of something you advocate or hold dear and copy and paste it Perusing the internet you can practically hear the wailing lament of those labeling Israel as terrorist. They are known as Israeli Arabs and live in Israel unlike the Palestinians who do not. Today the Fatah and PA leader Abbas admits his family fled Galilee with his fearing retribution for local massacres in 1929 incited by the Grand Mufti. But the evacuation was mostly an Arab operation. There were some expulssions like in Lydda now called Lod due to murders of Jews. It was an effort to discredit radical forces and centralize Jewish forces. Deir Yassin was exaggerated from its position of history as a battle into a massacre by mainstream Jewish forces opposed to the radical groups Irgun and Lehi as well as Arab Radio. They were bolstered by reports on Arab radio that Deir Yassin was the beginning of terrible massacres. They left for the hills of Judea and Samaria now called the West Bank. They warned the Arab Palestinian that lest they become collateral damage by being in the crossfire they should leave temporarily. A second genocide to the very same people in 10 years. Their mission was to “drive the Jews into the sea” which was lingo for genocide. The Arab League organized 5 Arab Armies from Iraq (which is not near Israel), Syria, Jordan, Egypt and Lebanon. He appealed to the Arab League to destroy the Jewish state once it was declared.

The Grand Mufti thought that once the British left the Jews were vulnerable with all there kibbutz and urban militias. The Arab Palestinians rejected the proposal but it still passed.

The previous November the United Nations in an effort to stabilize the area tried to segregate the Jews from the Arabs by creating Arab and Jewish states in Resolution. This might explain the Hebraic one god Concept as developed from Akhenaten ong god aton Concept. The other one has been linked to a possible exile of monotheist Pharoah Akhenaten after an overthrow.

And Egyptian historian Manetho mentions two Exoduses One involving the Hyksos. Possible land bridges crossing the Red Sea have been found at the Eilat side of the Gulf of Aqaba and across the straits of Tiran as well.Josephus points to the origin of the Jews with the Semitic invasions of the Hyksos that lasted 300 years and may have ended in a great exodus. Explaining the Pillars of Fire/Light other have theorized that Mr Sinai was a volcano in whats now Saudi Arabia. from the Avatar film-maker James Cameron has worked on this with Jacobovici. Its from King Arius of Sparta to the High Priest Onias of Judea indicating a common ancestry. Supporting this is a letter written decades after Alexander the Great conquered the Middle East. Where he feels the Ark of the Covenant ended up. He take on it includes another exodus of Hebrews to Mycenae. The 10 plagues recited every Passover can be explained by the effects of such a catastrophe, Canadian Jewish film-maker, Simcha Jacobovici, has made it one of his largest projects to prove the Exodus. Excavations on Crete have shown that the megavolcano nearly destroyed the Minoan seafaring civilization by tsumami! So its easy to see tsumamis wreaking havoc and deluging the Nile Delta. Theres the Ipuwer Papyrus which indicates a great upheaval in Egyptian society about the same time as The mega-volcano at Thera exploded. To silence the OT deniers there is tiny bits of evidence.