Peter points out that everything signifies the past. Aside from anything else, those action figures are impossible to dust. If you and Michelle stand on sharp objects in the night, you’ll want to blame your kids’ toys and not your own. It’s time for you to step up and release some of your clutter Denis, there is a show underway. He is determined to hold onto most of it, and Pete is not impressed. Peter is less interested in the nature of Denis’ stuff, and more in the fact it needs to be reduced. Editing of stuff and editing of the show. Not much room for tears in a 20 minute makeover show. I’d like to pour Mich a glass of wine, but Peter pulls her up by her bootstraps and they start to cull.

And how much mum guilt can be held in nail polish. This is a reminder of how much meaning and emotion are held in our belongings. Now, the poonamis and tantrums control her every mood. Michelle used to have a beauty blog, and the nail polish is reminiscent of that pre-child life over which she had control. Maybe the 1781st bottle would have been the one for national television. Her hands have … bare nails! I guess she is still looking for that perfect shade. She is agape at this discovery and has her hand over her mouth. The spotlight moves onto Michelle and her 1780 bottles of nail polish. Michelle wonders how they lived with all this stuff. It’s always amazing how much stuff even a small house holds. Oh, and stashing Transformer toys and action figures out of sight under the desk. While she was vomiting in the loo, Denis was looking after the house and oldest child Monique.

Michelle explains that she fell behind with her housework due to her dreadful second pregnancy. C’mon blokes, step up! Calling it a mancave does not justify squalor. Isn’t it predictable that the responsibility for keeping house lies with women? Most of my clients are women and it’s not because we are the messier gender. Michelle: has fallen into a hole and aspires to declutterĭenis: reluctant partner who thinks there’s no problem. Sister Melissa: irons her underwear and follows Marie Kondo on Insta. Mel says Mich is organised but in chaos, while Denis says Michelle is a neat freak, which tells me Denis is probably the problem. Michelle’s sister Melissa has blown the whistle and called in the team.
When your apartment looks like Michelle and Denis’, you call in Space Invaders TV show (or a Professional Organiser in your area). When your filing cabinet won’t close, you need to go through your paperwork. When your sock drawer won’t close, it’s time to cull some socks. We need to use our home as a boundary for our stuff, like we use all our rooms and cupboards as mini-boundaries. This is a reminder that space is a finite resource. They can’t afford to upsize the space so they need to downsize the stuff. They reside in a compact two bedroom apartment with two pre-school aged children. The final episode of the season invades the space of Michelle and Denis.